
Energy Breakthrough cheque donation night.

August 24, 2024

The recent Energy Breakthrough cheque donation night was a success, with the Maryborough Highland Society generously contributing a total of $5400.00 to several local schools. Benefiting from this donation were Avoca Primary, Carisbrook Primary, Timor Primary, Talbot Primary, St. Augustine’s Primary, Highview College, and Maryborough Education Centre.

This act of giving not only supports these educational institutions but also demonstrates the community spirit and commitment to the advancement of students in the region. The funds provided by the Maryborough Highland Society will undoubtedly make a positive impact on the learning experiences and opportunities available to the students at the recipient schools.

By supporting initiatives like the Energy Breakthrough cheque donation night, organizations like the Maryborough Highland Society play a crucial role in fostering education and growth within the community. The contributions received will help enhance the educational programs and resources available to students, ultimately contributing to their success and development.

It is heartening to see local businesses and community members come together to support our schools and invest in the future of the younger generation. The generosity displayed at events like this donation night not only benefits the schools directly but also strengthens the bond within the community, showcasing the power of collective giving and philanthropy.