Member benefits from the club you love?All the way down the line, your membership at MHS offers great deals, specials and discounts and the chance to participate in the life of your town.
Start with these awesome Financial Member Benefits – and who knows where your Membership might take you?
- 12.5% off Beverages
- 7.5% off Food (Excludes Specials)
- 15% off Show tickets
- 25% Discount at Friday Happy Hour
- Entry into the Wednesday Superdraw
- Entry into the Friday Members Draw
- Happy Hour finger food
- Participation in our Club Mix members rewards loyalty program
- Participation in our Team Rewards Community contribution program
- Full use of the clubs facilities including Courtesy Bus, Bowls Greens and Billiards Room
Apply for Membership

Long week left you feeling a bit low?
Our Happy Hour will help you chase away the workweek blues.Available to all Maryborough Highland Society members each Friday from 5.30pm to 7pm, Happy Hour priced drinks are available from the Member’s Bar and with meals ordered from Pipes Bistro.

Music & Dancing
Line Dancing
If every time you take one step forwards, you take two steps backwards, don’t be discouraged. You just learned how to line dance.
Walk the line with us we bring this upbeat dance to life each week.
Scottish Country Dancing
Every champion was once a contender who did not give up.”
The true measure of any highlander, Scottish Country Dancing at the Highland Society will bring out the competitive spirit in any dancer –Kilt or no Kilt!
Morning Melodies
Music is life. That’s why our hearts have beats.
If you have a voice you can sing and that’s exactly what Morning Melodies is all about! Join us for a group singing session on the third Monday of each month and give your vocal chords a workout whilst lifting your spirits to an array of upbeat tunes.
Social Groups
Life’s too short for chess
Fancy yourself as an athlete across the pool table? Come and join in on a game of snooker and you’ll soon learn it’s not all about vests and whiskey on the rocks.
Playing darts is not matter of life and death, it’s much more important than that
Whether playing to win or in it for fun, nothing beats a game of darts over a beer with friends. Who said rivalry was a bad thing?
Carpet Bowls
It’s not how you bowl, it’s how you roll!
Let the good times roll…down the carpet that is! No longer just the domain of those taking a slower approach to life, bowling at the Highland Society is a fun activity for all. How fast and seriously you play is up to you!